On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 20:18:03 +0400, Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at 
gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 18:12:51 +0200, Tomi Ollila <tomi.ollila at iki.fi> wrote:
> > On Sun, 18 Dec 2011 19:50:52 +0400, Dmitry Kurochkin <dmitry.kurochkin at 
> > gmail.com> wrote:
> > > +1 for the former.
> > 
> > +1
> > 
> > > How about indenting with spaces+tabs vs indenting with spaces only? :)
> > 
> > -1 --       tab-width is 8, anything else is heretic. Everyone enable 
> >     git pre-commit hook :)
> > 
> Sorry, -1 for what? :)
> FWIW tabs make patch review a pain in our favourite interface to our
> favourite mail system because of message indenting.


Neither the tabs nor the spaces impede patch review from within Notmuch.

The real cause of this confusing indentation is that we're using *both*,
which -from my point of view- makes absolutely no sense.

Personally, I'd like to see

  ;; -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-

... but frankly, I don't care whether it's tabs or spaces, or whether
it's mod-2, mod-4 or mod-8... as long as it's *tabs XOR spaces*.

And brace-before-break, of course... :)

So, when's this bikeshed due to be delivered ?
Also, if I order *now*, do I get a complementary cheese grater ?

> Regards,
>   Dmitry
> > > Regards,
> > >   Dmitry
> > 
> > Tomi



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