On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 10:46:56 -0700, Adam Wolfe Gordon <awg+notmuch at xvx.ca> 
> Using the new JSON reply format allows emacs to quote HTML
> parts nicely by using mm-display-part to turn them into displayable
> text, then quoting them. This is very useful for users who
> regularly receive HTML-only email.
> The behavior for messages that contain plain text parts should be
> unchanged.

Hi I have tried using this patch and it did give an identical emacs
buffer when replying to text/plain or multipart/alternative messages
except for two things:

the old one put a line in the reply for each attachment not being
included in the reply (eg "Attachment: file.pdf (application/pdf)" ) and
the new one does not.

and your version does not include text/plain attachments with
disposition attachment (obviously as the cli part does not).

[Note I am not saying whether either of these correct or not, just that
they are changes.]

It also worked nicely on the html only messages I tried it on.

I have not reviewed the lisp yet; I will try and have a look at it but I
am a lisp beginner.

Best wishes


PS Sorry I sent this from my unsubscribed address first: since I am
using your patch-set my recent reply From: modification wasn't there!

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