Quoting Saurabh Nanda (2012-02-05 03:27:38)
>I'm trying to install notmuchmail on my Mac box, but have (obviously) 
>run into dependancy issues (Xapian, GMime, Glib, talloc). Has anyone 
>managed to install notmuchmail on Mac OS X? How painful is it? Is it 
>possible to have a binary package for this?

I have notmuch installed on os x though I'm on 10.5. I used homebrew
(http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/) to install it orginally. It took care of all
the dependencies. There may be macports of fink packages, but I haven't checked.
I later upgraded to 10.2 by installing notmuch manually. I had some troubles
with the python bindings, but I think that was just because my glib was too old.
Installing a glib a newer 2.4.x glib fixed it.


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