On Sun, 26 Feb 2012 16:59:53 -0500, Tom Prince <tom.prince at ualberta.net> 
> It is probably overkill for any one feature, but it does seem like
> something useful to have. So maybe it would be worthwhile to create
> for this one feature, even it it is overkill.

I can think of other features where some layer like this would be
useful. It would be great, for example, if it were possible to output
search lines with recipients instead of senders, for the purposes of a
"tag:sent" sort of window. 

(I actually have my own cobbled-together python thing which, connected
with my other cobbled-together python remote thing, intercepts search
calls for that tag and gives me a search view with non-me
recipients. But obviously, as much as I love cobbling, it would be even
better not to have to do that.)


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