On Fri, Aug 10 2012, Mark Walters <markwalters1009 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not sure I agree: I think maybe toggling parts is better. Either
> the parts contain the same information and then the current behaviour is
> probably fine, or they are not in which case we might want to see both
> at once

If the case we're talking about is the alternative part having
additional information, then why is cycling not sufficient?  Shouldn't I
be able to cycle to a part that shows all the information I'm interested
in?  I assume that even in the most broken mailers the alternatives
still show mostly redundant information.

I really like the cycling behavior, but If this solution is really not
enough then how about we just start off with the alternate parts
collapsed, and you can click on them to open them.  I don't really like
the idea of having special code to handle specific alternative parts.
That seems overly complicated to me.

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