> Michal Nazarewicz <mina86 at mina86.com> writes:
>> IMO this is totally unintuitive and not how the range should work.
>> date:foo..bar should return messages whose date >= foo and < bar.  So
>> for instance date:november..yesterday should return messages whose date
>> is > 2012/11/01 00:00:00 and < 2012/09/12 00:00:00.  So to get
>> yesterdays messages one would do: date:yesterday..today.

On Thu, Sep 13 2012, David Bremner wrote:
> I don't find ranges being half-open by default to be very
> intuitive. Perhaps I don't program in python enough.

Perhaps C than: ?for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)? is the standard idiom and the
end range is open.

Let's take a look at:

        date:2012/01/01..2012/01/01 + 1 day

in my opinion, that should give results from the first of January only,
since ?+ 1 day? indicates in a way how long user want the period to be.

I think it's also easier to pragmatically create ranges.  For instance,
let's say you want to create ranges for each week, you'd end up with:

        date:2012/01/02..2012/01/09     ## 2012w01
        date:2012/01/09..2012/01/16     ## 2012w02
        date:2012/01/16..2012/01/23     ## 2012w03

Notice how the opening date of a range matches the closing date of
the previous date.

Best regards,                                         _     _
.o. | Liege of Serenely Enlightened Majesty of      o' \,=./ `o
..o | Computer Science,  Micha? ?mina86? Nazarewicz    (o o)
ooo +----<email/xmpp: mpn at google.com>--------------ooO--(_)--Ooo--
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