On Sat, 29 Sep 2012, Damien Cassou <damien.cassou at gmail.com> wrote:
> I can't make notmuch search return the list of mails in [Gmail]
> folders for a particular mailbox:
> ~ $ notmuch search folder:"[Gmail].All Mail"
> ~ $ notmuch search folder:[Gmail].Important

So you have folders named like that in your maildir? It *should* of
course work with proper escapes and/or quoting, but for the exact reason
of avoiding such trouble, I use this in the section corresponding to
your [Repository RemoteGmailTest] of the .offlineimaprc:

nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('^\[Gmail\]/All Mail', 'gmail', 

I only sync all mail and inbox, so you may need to modify that to your

Also note that if you have maildir.synchronize_flags=true, the gmail
"Starred" should sync to maildir flag F, which in turn syncs to notmuch


> but these folders actually contain emails. This works well for another
> gmail mailbox I have. You can reproduce by using the following
> configuration files (yes, the password is here, that's just a test
> account, don't worry):

PS. You should probably change the password anyway. You don't want
Mallory to do stuff like send tons of spam using your account. There are
no "test accounts" from gmail POV.

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