Hi all,

I have been using the following code for stashing link to email messages
for use in planner. It might be of use to others on the list.


;; Code for using notmuch with planner
(defun notmuch-show-get-planner-link ()
  "Get a planner-formatted link to a notmuch-show email message.
The format of the link is:

   [[<subject>]], <date>, <from>.

The subject field is suitably edited to remove any characters
that would break the coding of the link. The text of the Date:
and From: fields are also also copied to the kill ring as the
user will most probably need them.
  ;; Make sure planner understands lisp coded links
  (require 'planner-lisp)
  (let ((id (concat "id:" (notmuch-show-get-message-id t)))
        (subject (notmuch-show-get-subject))
        (date (notmuch-show-get-date))
        (from (notmuch-show-get-from))
        title link-code link)
    ;; Replace awkward characters in subject
    (setq title (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "'" subject))
    (setq title (replace-regexp-in-string "\\[" "{" subject))
    (setq title (replace-regexp-in-string "\\]" "}" subject))
    ;; Construct the title of the show buffer
    (setq title (concat "*"
                        (truncate-string-to-width subject 30 nil nil t)
    ;; Construct link code
    (setq link-code
          (format "lisp:/(notmuch-show \"%s\" (current-buffer) nil \"%s\")"
    ;; Construct link
    (setq link
          (format "[[%s][%s]], %s, %s." link-code subject date from))))

(defun notmuch-show-stash-planner-link ()
  "Planner-formatted link to notmuch-show email message to kill ring."
  (notmuch-common-do-stash (notmuch-show-get-planner-link)))


Your fortune cookie for today:

A bore is a man who talks so much about himself that you can't talk about

** Fortune cookies are brought to you by GNU/Linux "fortunes" **

>  LocalWords:  notmuch defun concat setq

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