Quoting apmanine at idaaas.com (2013-11-12 15:27:42)
> I have recently switched to notmuch. Thank you for it!
> I'm using "alot" as a frontend (thank you for it, too!). Everything
> works smoothly, apart from one problem: with alot, I can't figure out how
> to read encrypted emails I previously sent: they appear to be encrypted
> using the addressee's key.
> Is there some way to store encrypted sent emails with my own public gpg
> key?

Same problem here, I think what is stored is the email that was send. It will 
great if alot stores it as you say with your own public gpg key.

I think we should open an issue about in the alot github tracker:
Can you do it?

Ruben Pollan  | http://meskio.net/
 My contact info: http://meskio.net/crypto.txt
Nos vamos a Croatan.
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