On Sat, Feb 08, 2014 at 09:54:28AM -0400, David Bremner wrote:
> W. Trevor King writes:
> > I'll remove this once the series lands, but I've currently got a
> > preview up at http://tremily.us/status.html
> yeah, the colour scheme is not my favourite. For the sake of being
> semi-constructive, I attach an alternative suggestion #ffd96e and
> #bce.

Works for me.

> More importantly some of the threads are run together: e.g. 
> id:"4eddf2b1.4288980a.0b74.5557 at mx.google.com" and
> id:"E1RYMYd-0003wu-Ea at thinkbox.jade-hamburg.de"

Both of those messages are part of the same thread
(thread:000000000000eaab on my box, but I doubt thread IDs are
portable), so I don't add a thread-separating space between them.
Would you like more message-separating space even between messages in
the same thread?


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