
Disclaimer: I'm not a developer, just a user who follows the list.

On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 01:14:51PM -0700, Wael M. Nasreddine wrote:
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Wael Nasreddine
> <wael.nasreddine at gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I didn't see the previous email about it, thank you Jani for the link. It
> > looks like you guys have your hands full and everything setup the way you
> > like it, so here's what I'll do myself (if it's acceptable with you,
> > otherwise I'll just remove everything):
> >
> > - Revert my changes (except for the CI)
> > - Set a cron job to update the mirror hourly for the Github user wanting
> > to fork.
> > - Remove the Issues, Pull Request and the Wiki
> > - Add a "mirror of .." to the description on top of the page
> > - Manually update the contrib/ bindings/ as they change in here and maybe
> > automate it later.
> >
> Can you guys at least consider splitting contrib/ and bindings/ into their
> own repo? It will make it easier for people to use the go bindings (for
> example) or to include the vim plugin as a submodule (or Vundle bundle).

What is the problem if contrib and bindings are part of the main repo?
In fact I would argue it is undesirable to split them.  If there are
major changes in libnotmuch, or the cli, it is much easier to make the
corresponding changes in bindings to keep everything working.  If there
is a separate repo, communicating this dependency, although not
impossible, is difficult.  I would also like to point out almost all
FOSS projects I follow, or contribute to practises this.

Just my 2?.



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