> I use a C wrapper to do the same (with date prefixes like 2014-05-09 > (Fri) 12:47:19) -- I originally did it to do argument conversions > around .. to have date-based searches before those came to notmuch > (and I am still using it, as I don't have to type date: prefix)
Having a wrapper script possible, however, it is quite a hack and doesn't potentially collect everything. There's already a .notmuch-config file, so adding a logging directive should be straightforward. It's more about whether something like this becomes part of notmuch directly. >> Would be nice to be able to log all operations done via libnotmuch >> too though. > > IIRC someone suggested/asked whether we'd get logs where all > Message-ID:s affected were logged. That could be useful (and produce > lot of log when one does notmuch tag +foobar '*') I'm not worried about the size of the logfiles. Drives are large and many utilities exist to create a rolling removal and compression of log files. Sebastian