"W. Trevor King" <wking at tremily.us> writes:

> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 10:40:06AM -0700, Wael Nasreddine wrote:
>> David Edmondson writes:
>> > I realise that you might answer "I will keep this up to date", but
>> > we have to worry about what happens if you lose interest and
>> > wander away.
>> Absolutely, I understand your point and no one can guarantee
>> maintainer-ship. I can modify my patch and add documentation
>> (comments in the yaml file) about what each flag does, where can you
>> documentation about it and of course details about the hack. Would
>> that be helpful?
> I personally love comments like this, but I prefer them in the commit
> message.  Otherwise the source becomes one humongous comment with a
> bit of interspersed code ;).  An interactive blame (like you get with
> tig [1] and probably any interactive Git frontent) makes these
> commit-messages easily accessible (assuming they're not buried under
> whitespace churn, etc.)

@Dan what do you think? File comments or commit message?

> Cheers,
> Trevor
> [1]: http://jonas.nitro.dk/tig/
> -- 
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Wael Nasreddine | SRE at Google | wael.nasreddine at gmail.com | (650) 735-1773
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