
mboxviewfs is a FUSE filesystem program which shows mbox file
as a separate files under YYYY-MM directories in a mountpoint.

example usage transcript:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir notmuchmailbox
$ cd notmuchmailbox

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/domo141/nottoomuch/master/mboxviewfs.c
2014-10-24 17:23:33 (524 KB/s) - ?mboxviewfs.c? saved [31966/31966]

$ sh mboxviewfs.c
+ exec gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wno-long-long -Wstrict-prototypes -pedantic 
-Wcast-align -Wpointer-arith -W -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wshadow -O2 -o 
mboxviewfs mboxviewfs.c -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -isystem /usr/include/fuse 
-pthread -lfuse

$ wget -c http://notmuchmail.org/archives/notmuch.mbox
$ mkdir notmuch
$ ./mboxviewfs notmuch.mbox notmuch
$ find notmuch -ls
$ find notmuch | xargs stat -c '%x %n'

$ wget -c http://notmuchmail.org/archives/notmuch.mbox
$ fusermount -u notmuch
$ ./mboxviewfs notmuch.mbox notmuch

$ mkdir bin
$ echo '#!/bin/sh' > bin/notmuch
$ echo "HOME=$HOME/notmuchmailbox; export HOME" >> bin/notmuch
$ echo "exec \"`which notmuch`\" \"\$@\"" >> bin/notmuch
$ chmod 755 bin/notmuch

$ mkdir mail
$ mkdir mail/notmuch
$ cd mail/notmuch
$ : symbolic links to mail directories
$ for d in ../../notmuch/*; do test -d "$d" || continue; ln -s "$d" .; done
$ ls -l
$ cd ../..

$ ./bin/notmuch setup ;: careful here, to run ./bin/notmuch '!!!'
$ ./bin/notmuch new

Found 19424 total files (that's not much mail).
Warning: /home/too/notmuchmailbox/mail/notmuch/2009-11/000002e4 is an mbox 
containing a single message,
likely caused by misconfigured mail delivery.  Support for single-message
mboxes is deprecated and may be removed in the future.
Processed 19424 total files in 1m 21s (239 files/sec.).
Added 19414 new messages to the database.

$ ./bin/notmuch count 

$ find notmuch -type f | wc
  19424   19424  485600

$ : have to look that difference later...

$ PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH emacs -f notmuch 

      19 414 inbox       19 414 unread          40 unread-1d

C-x C-c

$ fusermount -u notmuch

$ ./bin/notmuch count

$ ./bin/notmuch new
Error reading file /home/too/notmuchmailbox/mail/notmuch/2009-11: No such file 
or directory
No new mail.
Note: A fatal error was encountered: Something went wrong trying to read or 
write a file
zsh: exit 1     ./bin/notmuch new

$ wget -c http://notmuchmail.org/archives/notmuch.mbox
$ ./mboxviewfs notmuch.mbox notmuch
$ ./bin/notmuch new
Warning: /home/too/notmuchmailbox/mail/notmuch/2014-10/00004be0 is an mbox 
containing a single message,
likely caused by misconfigured mail delivery.  Support for single-message
mboxes is deprecated and may be removed in the future.
Processed 1 file in almost no time.
Added 1 new message to the database.

$ ./bin/notmuch count


Next: to set nmbug to this system...


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