Philip <notmuch at> writes:

> Hi,
>   When I open emails in the notmuch-show mode on Emacs, it automatically
>   follows links which are present in the email. For instance, it
>   connects to various tracking objects included in the email. How can I
>   prevent it from doing this automatically all the time? Is there a
>   setting by which notmuch-show will not follow links in emails?

If you just want something quick and dirty, put the following in your
.emacs file:

(setq gnus-inhibit-images t)

I do that, and then in the very rare occasions where I want to see all
the images, I just open the message in my browser by typing ". v" on the
html part button.

I'm sure the patch Tomi linked to is much better, but this works with
unmodified notmuch.


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