On Sat, 06 Jun 2015, Johnny Utahh <notmuchmail.org at johnnyutahh.com> wrote:
> I'm new to Notmuch. Could I get feedback on the following?
> https://github.com/johnnyutahh/tag-based-email
> https://github.com/johnnyutahh/tag-based-email#the_main_questions

You're probably better off sending your specific questions to the list,
so we can quote them in our replies and discuss them. You are, after
all, asking questions about email tools and workflows. ;)

IMO the notion of "tag-based email" is misleading to begin with. I would
call both notmuch and mu *search* based email tools. Tagging is just one
small part of it. For example, I mostly use predefined saved searches in
notmuch-emacs, and very few tags.

The last time I checked, the main differences between notmuch and mu
were in threading, community, and spinoff tools. I think the handling of
threads is superior in notmuch (YMMV), and this is particularly visible
in the emacs interfaces. The downside of that is slower
indexing. Notmuch has a wider developer community while mu is mostly a
one man show. Notmuch has more people to keep the project moving, but
one person might provide a more unified UI experience. Finally, I think
there are more tools and MUAs written around notmuch, partly due to the
language bindings to the library.


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