Gregor Zattler <> writes:

> Hi notmuch developers, it's super fast to use "k" + key binding
> to tag mails in notmuch-emacs show, it's great that one may tag
> unsent emails via the Fcc: header, but even there is C-c C-f C-w
> in message mode it's error prone and especially slow to edit tags
> without UI support.
> It would be great if in notmuch-emacs the same tagging bindings
> worked for unsent mails (obviously not with "k" but another key
> combo as prefix key ["C-c k" is not bound in message mode at
> least in my configuration]) as in notmuch show.

It seems like a reasonable idea for someone (TM) to impliment. I'd just
note that C-c <letter> bindings are reserved for user bindings by
convention, so we'd probably want to use something else.

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