Kyle Meyer <> writes:

> However, I personally haven't felt the need for such a command.  I
> pretty frequently use the command I posted earlier in this thread to
> take a quick look at PRs, but, for anything aside from the simplest
> changes, I want to apply the commits locally to review/test.  If I
> regularly review PRs for a GitHub repo, I have
>         fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/pull/origin/*
> in the GitHub remote's configuration section of ".git/config".  (GitLab
> has an analogous merge request namespace.)  Then, after fetching from
> the GitHub remote, I can view the PR in Magit like I would any other
> ref.

Nice, I've been using magit-gh-pulls for this. It's a bit clunky though
so I might try this approach instead.

I now mainly review GitHub PRs via the patch fetching snippet you sent,
but there's a tedious disconnect between notmuch and magit. In the above
scenario, I would have to:

  1. cd to the project
  2. open magit
  2. fetch
  3. checkout the branch
  4. start reviewing

If I want to start a review on GitHub:

  5. go back to the mail buffer
  6. open the GitHub link
  7. try to find lines where I had a comment
  8. make comment, start review

Steps 1-4 are way too long for the number of code reviews I do at work
and on public projects. 

Perhaps I could write a script that quickly jump from steps 1 to 4. I
think this would still be too slow compared to simply fetching the patch
and having a nicer view, at least until we have full magit code reviews.
I guess I could just wait until that's finished.

> Jonas recently got a Kickstarter funded [1], and one of his goals is
> to support code review from within Magit [2]. Not sure how that will
> turn out, but it seems more promising than my current strategy of
> hoping everyone will start sharing my preference for mail-based
> collaboration :)

This is the dream. I have been following this as well. I hope Jonas can
pull it off.

Thanks for the tips!


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