That’s interesting. Do you know a link to the file spec for maildir file content? All I can find is information about the directory structure and file naming, not the file content.

mbsync which specialises in maildir also had an initial “From “ line for me, and they are independently configured. I’ll try out a couple of different mail hosts to see if it’s that.

I can imagine that mutt just assumes they are maildir files once configured that way, but mu also assumes the files are maildir and also uses gmime to parse. However the current version on home-brew (Mac) is linked to a version of gmime which was fixed to accomodate multiple “From “ lines I believe, though I haven’t dug through the source yet.



On 31 Mar 2019, at 22:00, Tomas Nordin wrote:

Alexei Gilchrist <> writes:

Every message file begins with “From “. This is true of all messages
downloaded by both offlineimap (with type = Maildir) and mbsync.
neomutt has no issues dealing with these files as maildir and mu has no
issues indexing them either. I’m assuming that stating with “From
“ is part of the maildir spec.

FWIW, I use Offlineimap and files retreived with it here does not begin with "From". I see things like "Received: from..." or "Return-Path:..."
as the beginning of the first line.

Try it. Send yourself a message with the line “From bad parsing comes
chaos” and see if your notmuch can find it. My version can’t.

I tried that and find messages as expected. I mean, the message I sent
and this thread.

Best regards
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