Consider changing your html tenderer to anything other than ‘shr. Its handling 
of nested blocks is unsane. 

Brian Sniffen

> On Apr 8, 2019, at 3:27 PM, Landry, Walter <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Back in January, I posted about a problem I had when viewing large
> threads.  The workaround was to use tree view.  That worked until today.
> Now, when I try to view a new email in either tree view or the regular
> view, I get the message
>  Re-entering top level after C stack overflow
> I am guessing that the thread depth got too deep?  The message is 294
> (?!?!?) levels deep.  I can look at messages that are in the same
> thread, but not as deep.  After some searching, it seems that this
> happens because I have
>  max-specpdl-size
> set too large.  However, if I try setting it smaller, tree view is
> unable to display the thread.
> I also have astroid and alot installed.  Astroid tends to freeze a lot
> whenever I try to look at these messages.  Alot is slow, but works.  The
> command line client works without issues.
> Is there any way that I can look at these messages in emacs?
> Thank you,
> Walter Landry
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