On 16/11/14 21:03, valeria aguilera wrote:
Dear community members,

Im a graphic designer and for the last couple of months I have been working on a new logo for the Nouveau project. After sending preliminary designs to both Martin Peres and Ilia Mirkin, we have decided to share the logo in order to gather your feedback.

I would like to highlight that the logo incorporates a penguin corresponding to the linux kernel components used to create this open source driver. The 3D cube/shape represents the 2D and 3D acceleration capability. The “n” simply stands for the first letter in Nouveau and the green colour was chosen because the driver is for NVIDIA video cards.

Please provide Martin and Ilia with your comments and preferences, since they both have been the ones giving me the design requirements.

Valeria Aguilera.

Hi Valeria,

Thanks for making this public!

I would like to address here the "BSD not wanted" argument that seems to be implied by having a Penguin in the logo: - Nouveau does not currently run on any other kernel but Linux. I know that the BSDs are interested in porting Nouveau to their OS and I'm happy they are doing so, but I do not think any real development will happen on BSD unless both communities change heavily; - The architecture of Nouveau DRM has been thought to use as little dependencies to Linux as possible to ease porting (especially to work in the userspace).
- Nouveau is under the MIT/X11 licence which is BSD-compatible!
- Finally, historically, Nouveau has only been developed on Linux by Linux users.

I personnally find the penguin extremely cute and I would rather want to keep it. I hope I have convinced you (and especially the BSD-hobbyists) that it does not mean we are hostile to BSD in any case!

Cheers and thanks again for your contribution!

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