Hi Guanyao,

I haven't seen this error myself, but looking at the code it looks like it
is raised when a OFPT_ERROR is received from a switch, and looking at the
spec it looks like switches send this when the negotiated OF version is not

"If the negotiated version is supported by the recipient, then the
connection pro- ceeds. Otherwise, the recipient must reply with an
OFPT_ERROR message with a type field of OFPET_HELLO_FAILED, a code
and optionally an ASCII string explaining the situation in data, and then
terminate the connection."

and type=3 seems to correspond to: "OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED,      /* Problem
modifying flow entry. */"

and code=1 and code=3 seems to correspond to:
"OFPFMFC_OVERLAP, /* Attempted to add overlapping flow with CHECK_OVERLAP
flag set. */"
"OFPFMFC_BAD_EMERG_TIMEOUT /* Flow not added because of non-zero idle/hard
(pages 39-40 on the OF1.0 spec)

These messages are pretty much self-explanatory, so check that you are
setting the relevant fields in order to do what you are trying to.


On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Guanyao Huang <gyhu...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> Hi
> When setting up a flow entry (I am using mininet and NOX from HOTI
> tutorial), it says:
> 00065|openflow-event|ERR:received Openflow error packet from
> dpid=00000000000c: type=3, code=1, 80 bytes of data
> 00324|openflow-event|ERR:received Openflow error packet from
> dpid=000000000013: type=3, code=3, 80 bytes of data
> 00325|openflow-event|ERR:received Openflow error packet from
> dpid=00000000000c: type=3, code=3, 80 bytes of data
> 00326|openflow-event|ERR:received Openflow error packet from
> dpid=00000000000e: type=3, code=3, 88 bytes of data
> I am very confused. I never set CHECK_OVERLAP flag. Also, when will a flow
> entry become emergency? I didnt set it. Will it be set when a previous
> flow_mod fail?
> Is there any general/common reason for these two errors?
> Thanks.
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