Yes, NOX can manipulate the flow table of a switch, for example by using the 
install_datapath_flow() method of components.  A good example of this is in, and you can find some additional information here:

Your basic understanding seems to be correct, but *you can write a controller 
without ever touching dpctl*.

-- Murphy

On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Kavitesh Singh wrote:

> Hi,
> How do you add flows in the python controller. One way to achieve this is to 
> add using dpctl tool. I want to know if there are some inbuilt functions to 
> call such command in python code?
> Also, can someone verify my understanding:
> After starting mininet and NOX controller, I would add initial flows using 
> dpctl tool with a timeout say 120 secs. Now after 120 secs the flow will 
> expire and generate flow removed event. Let us say I installed flowpath 
> between h2 and h3 using dpctl initially. This will expire now. So any packet 
> h2 sends to h3 will now arrive at NOX controller and controller will now 
> decide on the flow. To resume communication between h2 and h3, controller 
> will again set a flow between h2 and h3 again. I can use the dpctl again but 
> is there a way to do it in python code?
> Regards,
> Kavitesh.
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