Hi Karim,

'inport' actually refers to a different thing in each case:

 * send_openflow(dpid, bufid, buf, openflow.OFPP_FLOOD, inport)
send_openflow is used to inject a packet in the network, and send it out the
'dpids's port(s) described the 4th parameter. The switch should treat the
packet as if it arrived on 'inport'. The packet actually arrives through the
openflow channel, but you use this for things like openflow.OFPP_TABLE,
where the packet will be forwarded based on the flow_table matches, in which
case it needs to have arrived on a physical port.

> * install_datapath_flow(dpid, flow, 5, 0, actions, bufid,
> openflow.OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, inport, packet)
Here it is indeed what you said: it is the input port to match for this flow
entry we are installing. (after installing this entry, packets matching
'flow' arriving on 'inport' all be treated according to 'actions')

> Do they design the port of communication between the controller and the
> switch, or the port from which a switch received a packet and that has after
> to forward it to the controller.
> In the first case it seems that the inport is the port between the
> controller and the switch, however the second case seems to be the port from
> which a switch received a packet.
> Thanks a lot.
> Regards,
> Karim
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