I don't really know anything about mobilevms, and I suspect this may be one of 
the cases where SWIG is misleading about what's going on.  But for starters, 
why don't you try...

./nox_core -v -v -i ptcp:6633 spanning_tree mobilevms

-- Murphy

On Nov 16, 2011, at 4:37 AM, 王健 wrote:

> Hello everyone:
>      I am a newcomer of python, and encountered a import error recently. This 
> code is "from nox.netapps.spanning_tree         import spanning_tree" in the  
> mobilevms.py file. when run the command : ./nox_core -v -v -i ptcp:6633 
> mobilevms
> the error is:00081|nox|ERR:Cannot change the state of 'mobilevms' to 
> 'mobilevms' ran into an error: 
>     cannot import a Python module 'nox.netapps.mobilevms.mobilevms':
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "./nox/netapps/mobilevms/mobilevms.py", line 46, in <module>
>         from nox.netapps.spanning_tree.spanning_tree         import*
>       File "./nox/netapps/spanning_tree/spanning_tree.py", line 27, i n 
> <module>
>         from nox.coreapps.messenger.pyjsonmsgevent import JSONMsg_event
>       File "./nox/coreapps/messenger/pyjsonmsgevent.py", line 25, in <module>
>         _pyjsonmsgevent = swig_import_helper()
>       File "./nox/coreapps/messenger/pyjsonmsgevent.py", line 21, in 
> swig_import_helper
>         _mod = imp.load_module('_pyjsonmsgevent', fp, pathname, description)
>     ImportError: ./nox/coreapps/messenger/_pyjsonmsgevent.so: undefined 
> symbol: vigil::JSONMsg_event::JSONMsg_event(vigil::core_message const*)
> I  try to use "from nox.netapps.spanning_tree.spaning_tree   import*"  
> instead of the previous code, but also the same error. What's wrong with it, 
> would you like to tell me, thank you very much~
> additionally, the component of spanning_tree is normal when run the command: 
> ./nox_core -v -v -i ptcp:6633 spanning_tree and the "JSONMsg_event" is really 
> in the file of pyjsonmsgevent.py.
> best wishes
>                                                                   ;     wang 
> jian
>                                                           Wednesday ,November 
> 16,2011
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