You're in the right repository but the wrong branch -- the current development 
branch is in the destiny branch (last updated within the past couple months).  
To get this, after you clone the repository, use "git checkout destiny".

I have a number of patches pending for this branch, after which it will become 
the new stable branch, and we'll be introducing a new development branch (a lot 
of work has already been done on this).

-- Murphy

On Jan 8, 2012, at 9:16 AM, Hiroyasu Ohyama wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm also beholden to NOX, and I have just simple questions about the
> activity of this community.
> I know it that NOX is one of the most famous program as OpenFlow
> controller, and discussed actively in here.
> But I wonder why this git repository (git:// which is
> introduced at following pages has never commited for a half of year or
> more.
> The last commit of this repository is on Mar 1, 2011.
> Before that, this repository has been commited frequently by the
> people who is in here.
> Had already stopped for maintenance?
> Where is the repository in development, that is heavily maintained?
> I really want to use the latest one.
> Thanks.
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