
I am currently trying to setup a Maven build consisting of a mixed 
configuration (I am using 1.5-incubator-SNAPSHOT):

1.       Java Library (jar packaging)

2.       Windows Executable (winexe packaging)
The release should be a jar containing the Java library with an embedded exe 
(So I can load the binary from within my Java code)

When using the Maven assembly plugin, all I get is this:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.2.1:single (make-assembly) on 
project lib-psexec-assembly: Failed to create assembly: Error adding file-set 
for 'de.cware.utils:lib-psexec-service:winexe:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT' to archive: Error 
adding archived file-set. PlexusIoResourceCollection not found for: 
 No such archiver: 'exe'. -> [Help 1]
So it seems there is no archiver available to handle exe resources.

So my question now is:
How do I configure the assembly to do this or is the such an assembler simply 
missing from NPanday and one should be implemented.

I would volunteer implementing one, if this would be the way to go, I just 
don't want to implement something that isn't needed.


[ C h r i s t o f e r  D u t z ]

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