GREAT  point  about radio. Internet radio (and the internet in
general, actually) seems to be his best  friend, and Universal Motown
appears to  be okay with that.  It's getting exposure as if he were a
developing artist. If he WERE, these numbers would  be great  for a
project with no promotion. I'm literally  amazed at how this project
is being  handled since I KNOW there are so many Prince fans in that


On Jun 8, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Oliver, Damon wrote:

With his on again off again and now confirmed on again performance on
GMA I think he'll make at least 15,000, not much more since he had
greater exposure on AI. Are any of his singles even being played on
radio (and not internet radio)?

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Derek Kelly
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:36 PM
To: New Power New York Mailing List
Subject: NPNY: 3121 drops 13% in Sales

After showing a nice increase in sales proceeding the American Idol
appearance you guess it! 3121 drops again. Dropping from 79 to 90 on the
Billboard Top 200.

This weeks sales 11,384
Last weeks Sales 13,604

On an interesting note 3121 is selling better then it do 2 weeks ago. We
have to thank the little bit of exposure for this.

Total Sales To Date as of weekending 6.4.06: 435,440
Total Left Till Gold: 64,560

Number of weeks Derek Estimates it will take before it hits gold: 8
with Prince current trend of non-promotion

NeW NeW PoWeR NeW YoRk

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