Watch for the new membership price of $131.21, Membership Pack includes:
Princespeak emails, innuendo and speculations as much as you can handle
and last minute concert dates for you to spend your rent money on.

<Moderator: Oh and don't forget CDs that subject to change even through 
Titles and Covers were published  -Derek>

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Ginna
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 1:58 PM
Subject: NPNY: Re: NPGMC is not accepting new members

Dear Derek:

     Doesn't this go along with the usual trend you have
illustrated over and over....Prince gets the chance to
make money and he turns it away.  I guess it was
too much free advertising with the Webby Award,
Adobe, etc.


<Moderator: Oh yea! the webby thing that was so below the radar of
important things in life I forgot about it LOL Good catch!  -Derek>

----- Original Message -----
From: "NuPwrSoul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 1:11 PM
Subject: NPNY: NPGMC is not accepting new members

> Apparently if you try to purchase a membership, this page comes up:
> A graphic that states, "The NPGMC is currently not accepting any new
> membership."
> Not sure how long it's been there but it has to be a recent change,
> since I read of people buying memberships as recently as June 16.
> Any speculations on what it can mean?
> - Upgrading the database?
> - Changing the terms of membership?
> - In preparation for a tour, they've capped the number of members to
> allow for presale opportunities for all existing members? (yeah I know
> that's a long shot)
> - The end of the site?
> As I have become fond of saying... my answer:
> "Only the woman knows... only she knows."  :)
> <Moderator: Tamar WORLD TOUR!! YES!  -Derek>

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