Derek....u just made me snort food from my nostrils...u r  terrible.

<Moderator: LMAO, That would made a great vid for AFHV  -Derek>

In a message dated 2/15/2007 9:57:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Wow I  didn't even remember it was Valentines Day then. I remember the
ladies from  The View sitting there chowing down on appetizers lol.
Montell Williams  trying to act relevant. And yes that was Aston Kutcher,
he was hanging with  some MTV V-Jay who's name I cant remember and they
were friends with  Rosario Dawson.

<Moderator: All I remember from that night is the  party coming to a
crashin' halt once Prince arrived and everyone started  starin' at him like
a lil monkey in the Zoo that at any minute was going  to pull a guitar out
of his butt and play purple rain :-\   -Derek>

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