Thank you, Portia!

I've seen him live a couple of times and enjoy his show. Not everyone has to
like him but he's real talent, not manufactured, so I'm not understanding
the hate - even if one does not like the music.  With all the crap out
there, he's one of the few that I'm willing to spend my dollar on.


> That makes two of us Tameir...I went to his show a couple of
> months
> was great!!  Van is a great lyricist and actually if you are an  admirer
> you
> are probably able to pick up the underlying statements in what he
> is  trying
> to say in his blog.  The blog was written VERY well and what he is  trying
> to
> say is that although he is also a Prince fan and a black man who plays  a
> guitar...there is a lot that separates the two as artists AND a lot
> that  separates
> their goals as artists.  What I got loud and clear is that Van is  a
> studied
> technical musician.  Prince is not...there's a big difference  based on
> that
> alone!  So to compare the two?  Can't happen...It's  apples and
> most musicians vs. Prince.  I love Prince for the  fact that he is not
> musically "trained"  yet still puts out a  perfectly polished final
> product...musically and in the way of lyrics. The  fact that he plays
> every instrument.    I
> love Van for his  prowess as a lyricist and the way you are able to hear
> his
> message in  subtle innuendos...the fact that you might listen 2 or 3 times
> before
> you  realize the meaning.  The bottom line is that the two are great
> different ways.  Don't like him or like him...but
> don't  compare him
> to P.
> -Portia
> <Moderator: You might want to add that Prince can actually sing...
> -Derek>
> In a message dated 1/17/2008 9:12:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> I adore  Van Hunt, and thought his blog was  well-written.
> Tameir
> <Moderator: I listened today didn't care  for him. I think he should waste
> less time worried about the people on and spend more them
> crafting him music. I stand unimpressed at  the moment. I all I hear is
> something ripping on Marvin Gaye   -Derek>
> On 1/17/08, Derek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>> Isn't dude some kind of Vampire slayer or something?  Why is he worried
>> about
>> what people say about him on I am confused? Does the guy
> have
>> a
>> first name like  Bob or Timmy? Oh wait his First name is Van? Last Name
>> Hunt?
>>  Really? Did his parents not like him? Maybe that was here he was
>>  conceived?
>> in a Van? Who cares?!   :-)
>> _____
>>  Behalf Of squarepeg72
>> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:46 PM
>> Subject: [LoveSexyDC] Van Hunt responds  to the criticism he's received
>> from
>> from his blog:
>>  Sunday, January 13, 2008
>> it's none of your business what other  people say about you...
>> Category: Blogging
>> but, I have  read my own press. Not all of it. Just enough to not be
>> able to turn  back. it's gone to my head.
>> I can remember once going on  okayplayer-trying for the 15th time to
>> find some new info on  D'angelo's still nascent record-and "stumbled"
>> across a thread about  the Prince comparisons that have been made
>> about ME... some of the  comments on there were downright destructive.
>> I never even imagined  that you could mix the words "p**ssy"
>> and "musician" while stating an  opinion:) Some were supportive. Even
>> fewer were constructive or  managed to put forth what I would deem
>> accurate analysis. It all made  me sick. Because I knew that NOBODY
>> really knew what the f*ck they  were talking about. I am neither as
>> perfect as the best that has been  said about me nor as mediocre as
>> the worst that's been  said.
>> It's ironic. Just two nights ago an associate called and  asked if HE
>> should go on line and address some "false accusations"  that were made
>> about HIM. I told him, "hell naw. Don't even give those  fools any
>> energy. That's what they live dismantle people  and
>> overcompensate for their personal problems...all from behind  a
>> computer screen."
>> And, alas, here I  am.
>> Last night I was on the
>> computer with my son. He  likes to look up biographical information on
>> the 43 presidents. (And  to think, at 5 years old, all I wanted to do
>> was the 'robot'). After  he'd his fill he asked if I would google "Van
>> Hunt's Son." I pondered  his reasoning and the potential for damage
>> that I was ignoring. I was  reluctant when I said, ". . .o. . .k..."
>> I pressed enter. and right  there, at the top of the page was a
>> heading, "Van Hunt is Prince's  Son." This time it was
>> "Oh, Jesus" I whispered. I had to  have it.
>> Double Click.
>> I read the first line,  "there aint sh*t about Van Hunt that's
>> genius." Or something to that  effect. My son reads almost as fast as
>> i do. But, I caught him before  he got to the curse words. I said "go
>> play." He started to challenge  the order. I put on my transformer
>> face. He found a toy.
>> I  read on.
>> Of course, everyone on the thread was a Prince fan (so am i).  But, to
>> my surprise, this time I emerged from the comments without any  long-
>> term scarring. Some people didn't know enough about me to form  an
>> opinion. Some people knew enough to be enthusiastically  supportive
>> and encouraging of my work. Some were, obviously, musically  inclined
>> on top of being Prince fans. Some didn't give a damn.
>>  The debate seemed to be fueled by the bodyguarding of Prince's legacy
>>  and about the question of whether or not I was a good musician. They
>>  mentioned other musicians who would supposedly wipe the floor with me
>>  (even 10 year old musicians).
>> What they don't realize is that  I've played guitar with, for and
>> beside most of their heroes. And, I  doubt that any of those musicians
>> would say that I couldn't hold my  own. What they don't know is that
>> guitar isn't even my first  instrument. Piano is. What they don't know
>> is I never set out to make  improvisational solo records. I fast
>> forward through Prince's guitar  solos. not because they're not good.
>> i'm just more interested in other  aspects of his work (like the
>> writing and the arrangements). As a  matter of fact I would be more
>> likely to listen to Thelonious Monk  play one of his tinkly excursions
>> than I would Art Tatum. Charlie  Parker could MAKE you hear modal
>> scales in fourths-using major minor  11ths and do it before you notice
>> that Mccoy Tyner or Oscar Peterson  didn't even have his hands on the
>> keys. but, i put my money on Johnny  Hodges. slow notes by the most
>> beautiful horn tone in the business.  Ask me who's the better singer,
>> Sam Cooke or Muddy Waters, and I'll  say, obviously, Sam Cooke. But,
>> ask me who I prefer to listen to and,  well... Muddy is my man! And,
>> if u listened to Sly's 'there's a riot  goin on' you would not walk
>> away from that record claiming that George  Benson or Herbie Hancock
>> need be worried about claims on their  Godliness. But, it's MY
>> favorite record.
>> What they  don't know is that 'their man', while he is an incredible
>> talent and  entertainer, he WILLED his biggest hits into being.
>> Because he HAD to  be a star. (IF) he no longer writes great songs
>> it's only because  being a great songwriter was never his goal. Being
>> relevant was/is.  Prince wanted to be the best recording
>> artist/entertainer there ever  was. And, he is. but, he MADE himself
>> learn how to write hit songs  because he knew he had to in order to
>> reach that plateau. he no longer  has to have hit songs. now, his
>> songs only serve as a means to an end  - vehicles for what he loves to
>> do - PLAY! he still practices scales  like a 20 year old music
>> student. and, he's 50! they don't even  understand HIM! and yet, they
>> hang around a site dedicated to him  trying to break down who I am?!.
>> What they don't know is that Neil  Young, Bob Dylan, Duke
>> Ellington...THOSE are natural-born, great  songwriters. They wrote
>> hundreds of them- consistently. Nary a dud in  their entire career.
>> What they don't know is that Michelangelo was an  artist. Marlon
>> Brando was an artiste (emphasis on the 'iste'). Each  more naturally
>> skillful than any of the people I've mentioned. Ayn  Rand, Tennessee
>> Williams... craftsmen. Read 'Fountainhead' or watch  'Night of The
>> Iguana'. the work is more fine tuned and sharp and  sophisticated than
>> any of the people I've mentioned. They don't know  that THESE are the
>> benchmarks for me. Not their obsolete little  argument over who has
>> the best album of the last 20 years that was  played on the now
>> invisible and inaudible "black  radio."
>> What they can't comprehend is the lengths I have gone  to create what
>> is my highest ideal...for their world to sneer at...and  that it is
>> quietly reaching critical immunity because of the dues that  i have
>> paid.
>> So, kiss my a** while you decide if i'm  worth your respect. it
>> shouldn't matter to me; and, i am glad to say  that it doesn't
>> anymore. and, i will tell my child the same thing the  next time he
>> asks me to google Van Hunt's son: it's none of your  business what
>> people say about you :)
>> details on my  future coming tuesday.
>> V H  .

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