Thank you to those of you who answered in depth and described just how you are moving beyond the minimum requirements for your surveys.
It was suggested I repost my questions from earlier (see below) with the hope our community of practice will develop a discussion thread/exchange of hints and ideas.
So... with regard to how you all determine what you will add to the basic survey questions, especially using a focus group for that mission.....
In a message dated 7/19/2006 11:41:04 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Study is working with a group of individuals from across the state to revise the current surveys.
I would be interested in learning how the panel/focus/work group of stakeholders is designed, designated and brought together.
Who are the individuals or the agencies represented on your panel?
What criteria do you use to determined who is considered a stakeholder in developing the needed, appropriate, and beneficial  PSO information--especially if you plan to move beyond the minimal federal requirements.
What is the process in announcing the panel, inviting their participation?
How open is this process for public participation and if it is not an open process in what way to you elicit public input?
Donna Martinez

Donna Martinez

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