Hi all:

The NPSO wants to update you on the progress on our B14 Indicator survey 
protocol. We apologize for the delay in timeliness of providing this tool to 
you. We are currently waiting for guidance from OSEP on an additional item 
related to the new measurement table which may change the calculation of A, B, 
and C. Once we receive guidance, we will finalize the protocol and send the 
survey to OSEP for review. 

As to prior work on the survey protocol, to date, we have: (a) revised the 
protocol; (b) received feedback from the NPSO Community of Practice, NPSO 
Technical Workgroup, and many of you; (c) revised the protocol based on this 
feedback; and finally (d) piloted the survey protocol with young adults with 
disabilities across several disability types.

We look forward to sharing this tool with you in the near future. If you would 
like to review a DRAFT (i.e., not yet OSEP reviewed) of the survey protocol, 
please contact Jane Falls (jafa...@uoregon.edu) or myself (dkun...@uoregon.edu 

Have a wonderful holiday season.

Deanne & Jane

Deanne Unruh, Ph.D.
National Post-School Outcomes Center, Co-Director
Secondary Special Education & Transition Research Unit

Ph.: 541-346-1424
Fax: 541-346-1411

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