The below is a description of two positions for the University of Kansas
Transition Coalition. Please review if interested or pass on to other
eligible individuals.

Thanks, Deanne

The Transition Coalition <>  at the
University of Kansas <>  is starting a new project
Kansas Transition Technical Assistance Project (KS TTAP) providing
training and technical assistance across Kansas that will focus on:
transition planning; post-school outcomes; drop-out prevention;
suspension/expulsion; increasing graduation rate.

We are in the process of filling two positions for this project (please
see below).  Application deadline is July 14, 2010.  Please forward this
information on to qualified candidates who may be interested in
applying.  The positions are both in Lawrence, KS
> .

Application procedures are listed below each position description. For
more information, please contact Dana Lattin ( or Mary
Morningstar (

Project Coordinator:

The Project Coordinator will be primarily responsible for coordinating
the day-to-day activities of the project including the development and
production of print materials, coordinating with other Special Education
Services Technical Assistance Statewide Network (SES TASN) projects, and
developing training and overall technical assistance models and
materials, specifically related to transition services and postschool
outcomes. The Project Coordinator will coordinate the annual conference,
collect and assist in analyzing the project evaluation data, develop
project reports, and coordinate with the national centers (National
Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center, National Postschool
Dropout Center, National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with
Disabilities).  In addition, the Project Coordinator will coordinate the
provision of Level 2 training and technical assistance in the area of
transition services and postschool outcomes. The Project Coordinator
will also coordinate Level 3 ongoing, intensive technical assistance to
districts with the greatest need, and collaborate with project staff,
including the program associate on activities.


1.      Provide overall day to day management of project activities to
ensure completion in a timely manner. 25%
2.      Management of budget. 10%
3.      Develop and ensure implementation of project evaluation
measures.  10%
4.      Manage subcontracts to ensure that subcontractor activities are
completed within identified timelines and supervise program staff
including the Program Associate, and Graduate Research Assistant 10%
5.      Provide training and technical assistance activities associated
with transition services and post school outcomes including developing
training and overall technical assistance models and materials specific
to transition services and postschool outcomes 25%
6.      Develop and coordinate an annual statewide conference, collect
and analyze project evaluation data, develop project reports, and
coordinate with national centers and the Regional TA Providers focused
on transition services and postschool outcomes 10%
7.      Coordinate the Kansas Transition Team (meetings and

Required Qualifications:

1.      PhD in Special Education at the time of appointment.
2.      Three-five years experience providing transition services to
youth with disabilities within school or community settings.
3.      Minimum two years experience with evaluation of professional
development models and experience with program evaluation research
design, data collection and analysis.
4.      Minimum three years experience providing professional
development related to secondary special education and transition
services including evidence of authorship and development of training
content and training activities as well as evaluation of training and
technical assistance efforts .
5.      Evidence of excellent written communication skills as
demonstrated by application materials.
6.      Experience working independently and with collaborative teams.

Preferred Qualifications:

1.      Experience providing professional development through multiple
modalities including online, face to face, and hybrid.
2.      Experience working with state and national special education
transition centers.
3.      Experience providing statewide training and professional
development activities.
4.      Knowledge and experience with Kansas Special Education policies
and practices.
5.      Excellent verbal communication skills as demonstrated by the
interview and references.

To apply for the Project Coordinator position, go to
<>  and Search Position 00065196

Program Associate:

The program associate will coordinate the Level 2 activities for the
Kansas Transition Technical Assistance Project (KS-TTAP) focusing
specifically on student engagement (e.g., dropout prevention) content
for training and technical assistance (TA). This includes training the
Regional TA Providers and coordinating all meetings and technical
support requirements related to this group.  He or she will also
coordinate the Ask the Expert consultants and work frequently with
Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) in responding to questions
from the field. The program associate will generate content to customize
training and TA to meet Kansas policies and practices, and support the
Project Coordinator in collecting and analyzing project data.


1.      Assist in implementation of project evaluation measures.15%
2.      Assist Project Coordinator/Principal Investigator in
collaborating with subcontractors to ensure that subcontractor
activities completed  within identified timeline's 15%
3.      Assist in providing all training and TA activities associated
with transition and student engagement 15%
4.      Assist in development and coordination of Regional Training
Providers responsible for drop out prevention efforts. 20%
5.      Provide all training and TA associated with student engagement
(drop out prevention, graduation rates, suspension and expulsion).  This
will include generating content to customize training and TA to meet
Kansas policies and practices, and supporting the Project Coordinator in
collecting and analyzing project data.  25%
6.      Assist project staff to ensure that all activities are completed
in a timely manner. 10%

Required Qualifications:

1.     Master's degree in special education or related field.

2.     Three years experience working with at risk and/or youth with

3.     Experience working independently and with a collaborative team.

4.     Two years experience providing training, technical assistance,
and professional development in the areas of transition services and
special education or other related educational fields.

5.     At least two years experience with computer software such as
Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, Power Point.

6.     Evidence of excellent written communication skills as
demonstrated by application materials.

7.     Evidence in application materials of experience with data
collection and analysis methods.

Preferred Qualifications:

1.      Experience implementing and/or researching drop out prevention
and/or increasing graduation rate for at risk youth.
2.      Direct experience (school or outside agency) with behavioral
support programs and youth at risk for dropping out of school.
3.      Knowledge and experience with Kansas state policies and
practices regarding youth at risk of dropping out of school
4.      Experience collaborating with national centers involved with at
risk youth and student engagement.
5.      Excellent verbal communication skills as demonstrated by the
interview and references.

To apply for the Program Associate position, go to
<>  and Search Position 00206309

Deanne Unruh, Ph.D.
NPSO, Director
University of Oregon

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