Hi Dheepa,

One way of reducing the signal range is to set an appropriate value of
the receiving threshold in the network interface (in your tcl script),

Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ <value>

A separate C program is provided at
~ns/indep-utils/propagation/threshold.cc to compute the receiving
threshold. You have to compiled it, then you can use the executable to
compute the threshold as follows:

threshold -m <propagation-model> [other-options] distance


threshold -m Shadowing -r 0.95 50.

Here the propagation model is Shadowing, the communication range is
set to 50m, and 0.95 is the rate of correctly received packets.

More details can be found in ns_manual.

Hope this helps.


On 1/20/06, Dheepa Rajendran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>      How to reduce the signal range for a Mobile node?
> I went through antenna.cc and omniantenna.cc
> and they have discussed about Gt_,Gr_,X_,Y_,Z_ and
> some threshold values.....Which factor is used for
> reducing the range?
> Thanks for ur suggestions
> Dheepa
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