Hi all ,
   To print the routing table I have followed this steps   : 
   1)    I went to the file  aodv_rtrace.h and add this line 
            void   print(Trace*);   
   2) I wet to the file aodv_rtrace.cc and add this fuction 
         aodv_rtable::print(Trace* out) {
         sprintf(out->pt_->buffer(), "P\tdest\tnext");
   for (rtable_t::iterator it =rt_ begin() ; it != rt_ e();it++)  {
  (print is the function which print the routing table in the trace file ) 
  3)recompile ns2 by typing ./configure then make install in the
    ~ns-2.29 directory because i'm using ns2.29
  so then i must see in my trace file the routing table printed 
  but I don't see this routing table and i don't know why ?????
  So please help me it's verrrry important 
  i have attached you my 2 files 
    aodv_rtable.cc and aodv_rtable.h 
  Thank u a lot in advance 

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