My suggestion was to check if that info was available from TCL code.

If it is only available from C++, you should use the DDD debugger to debug
your code and find the exact variables/structures that you want to dump.

In a lot of cases the code already has dump() functions for interesting


Unfortunately I can’t check your source code files – I’ve never used AODV –
and thus I can only give general suggestions.





-----Original Message-----
From: hamdi benmessaoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: quarta-feira, 8 de Março de 2006 2:19
Subject: RE: [ns] please urgent help :how to print routing table ?????


  Hi pedro ,

Thank you for your reply 

 I have follow your idea and do like this : 

 1)    I went to the file  aodv_rtrace.h and add this line 

          void   print(Trace*);   

 2) I wet to the file and add this fuction 


       aodv_rtable::print(Trace* out) {

       sprintf(out->pt_->buffer(), "P\tdest\tnext");


 for (rtable_t::iterator it =rt_ begin() ; it != rt_ e();it++)  {







(print is the function which print the routing table in the trace file ) 

3)recompile ns2 by typing ./configure then make install in the

  ~ns-2.29 directory because i'm using ns2.29


so then i must see in my trace file the routing table printed 

but I don't see this routing table and i don't know why ?????

So please help me it's verrrry important 

i have attached you my 2 files and aodv_rtable.h 


Thank u a lot in advance 





Pedro Vale Estrela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : 

You can use the MASH object inspector to find the exact TCL object and
instance variable that you need.

Then, make a proc to dump that information.
This requires my ns2 debugging utilities, which has step-by-step
installation guide

Pedro Vale Estrela

> -----Original Message-----
> Of hamdi benmessaoud
> Sent: terça-feira, 7 de Março de 2006 16:36
> To: ns_users
> Subject: [ns] please urgent help :how to print routing table ?????
> Hi all, . In my simulation I must test three protocols :dsr ,dsdv
> ,aodv .
> But In a first step i will use the aodv ;
> so I want to get the values of the rooting table at the end of the
> simulation , and exactly I want to get for each node the route of each
> packet he send to reach the destination .
> After that I will compare this rout ( from the rooting table) with the
> rout gived from the trace file .
> I found in ns the file ,but I don't anderstand any
> thing in this code .?
> What and where(exactely in which file) type of code should I write to
> print the content of the rooting table ???
> Please help me,it's verry important
> thanx a ton in advance
> Amel
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