
On 3/16/06, Francisco J. Ros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday 16 March 2006 11:04, A Anupama wrote:
> > Hi
> >            I am simulating the EAODV ( AODV protocol with some
> > modifications) . When I run a simulation with the nodes which are
> static. I
> > am not giving any mobility to them.
> >
> > When I count the received packets , it is showing 0. Hence I checked the
> > flow and found that it is receiving link failure packet from the link
> > layer. i.e "eaodv_rt_failed_callback()"  (similar to
> > aodv_rt_failed_callback()) is called.  I don't know from where it is
> called
> > ?
> >

>It's called either when the maximum number of retries of ARP is reached
> >(mac/arp.cc), or when the 802.11 layer can't send a packet (no CTS after
> >sending a RTS, or no ACK after a data packet) (mac/mac-802_11.cc).

How can we avoid this ?
   In my protocol, max of the RREP packets are dropping. I think this is due
to mac layer congestion. I am using the four way neighbor detection
mechanism which is proposed to avoid rushing attack by  Adrian Perigg at el.
in the paper "Rushing attacks and Defence in Wireless Ad Hoc Routing
Protocols" (I have attached this paper).  Due to that packet delivery ratio
is very less. How can we correct this... any suggestion ?

Thanks in advance...

Anupama A

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