Try using smaller data packets. The maximum application packet size in 
802.15.4 is 100 bytes. DSR adds larger overhead than AODV and hence 
makes the overall packet size larger than AODV does. You can see in 
"size = 159" that the packet is larger than 128, which is the size limit 
of the protocol. If this was a DSR control packet though, then I don't 
know how this can be solved since you don't have control over the 
payload of a routing control packet.

chen guoming wrote:

>Dear All:
>   I write a tcl script to test the IEEE802.15.4 protocol and I set the
>routing protocol to be DSR. However,I got the error information:
>[wpan/][100.105397](node 5) Invalid
>PSDU/MPDU length: type = DSR, src = 5, dst = -1, uid = 3, mac_uid = 1, size
>= 159
>When I changed the routing protocol to AODV, it works fine.
>What's the problem? Please help me.Any suggestions will be appreciated!

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