I am trying to forward a packet with OAR protocol running outside the subnet 
where the protocol is running. The OAR protocol has the dsdv.cc file modified 
and under the DSDV_Agent::forwardPacket (Packet * p)
the modification done is
// Bypass Routing
  if (!dsdv_active_){
         hdrc->addr_type_ = NS_AF_INET;
         hdrc->xmit_failure_ = mac_callback;
         hdrc->xmit_failure_data_ = this;
         // Calculate the destination
         int tempdst;
         if (DATA_PACKET(hdrc->ptype()))
                 tempdst =Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(iph->daddr()) + 
         dst = Address::instance().get_nodeaddr(iph->daddr());
         hdrc->next_hop_ = dst;
         assert (!HDR_CMN (p)->xmit_failure_ ||
                 HDR_CMN (p)->xmit_failure_ == mac_callback);
         target_->recv(p, (Handler *)0);

In the tcl scenario file which i run dsdv_active is set to 0. So i guess the 
program enters this section by default for OAR but i cant figure out what to 
change in order to route the packets to a destination which is outside the 

any help in this regard will be really appriciated.

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