This is definitely not a simple/good idea. 

Each node is represented by multiple addresses, see, so you must make
sure that everything is updated
And most NS2 components probably were designed for constant addresses.

I suggest you try making a reset on the routelogic object to make ns2
recompute the static routes at run-time and use
        $ns rtproto Session

Pedro Vale Estrela

> -----Original Message-----
> Of Ghirmay Desta
> Sent: quinta-feira, 30 de Março de 2006 20:50
> To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
> Subject: [ns] is "address_" the routing address of a node?
> I have added the following code in the OTcl
> implementation of Node.
> Node instproc set-address addr {
>       $self instvar address_
>       set  address_ $addr
> }
> During simulation I am using it to change the address
> of a node. Eventhough the node address is getting
> changed to new value, the node is reachable only with
> its old address. Why?
> best regards
> Ghirmay
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