Vinod schrieb:
> im working in qos routing in mobile adhoc networks.
> can anyone tell me why the "default" value of bandwidth is 0 in link layer 
> of type "LL" (wireless routing simulation). Does that mean its not used or 
> something else? I can see that the "delay" value is set to 25us by 
> default.
> Also, can anyone tell me whether i can have "cost" param attached to 
> wireless links as we can do in wired?
The short answer - there is nothing like a "wireless link". Wireless 
communication uses a broadcast medium. Links are only logically defined 
by your MAC layer or routing protocol. Additionally you do not have 
something like a universal "bandwidth of the wireless channel". This 
depends on your technology, modulation schemes etc. So you have to setup 
this value depending on your model technology (e.g. 2 Mbit/s for a WLAN 
using BPSK modulation).


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