
Yeah, FC5 comes with a brand new GCC compiler (the 4.0.x series). This
is the source of all the trouble. I did the same from Tcl/Tk and I was
able to get it up and building. However, I got some other issues w/
OTcl/TclCl related to some shell incompatibilities (expression
evaluation) and then I gave up since a release is meant to run
flawlessly out of the box and it's not up to the users to fix it. I
hope it gets fixed by the next pending NS 2.30 release.

Ilyes Gouta.

On 4/26/06, Alex Triffitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had exactly the same problem and had to give up. I got as far as updating
> the all-in-one package files of TCL and TK so they were version 8.4.13 and
> updated the install file. I then corrected some syntax errors in the
> otcl1.11/configure and otcl1.11/configure.in as per the instruction here:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=10098188&forum_id=22760
> Then I had compilation errors with NS which no one seemed to be able to help
> with and it appears that because FC5 comes with the latest GCC compiler it
> doesn't like some of the NS compile commands somehow. Down grading the GCC
> compiler was too much of a head ache so I installed cygwin and now I happily
> run NS in windows. Let me know if you do manage to get it compiled in FC5
> I'd be very interested to try it again
> Alex

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