
We need some help with AODV. In function

LocalRepairTimer::handle(Event* p)  {  // SRD: 5/4/99
aodv_rt_entry *rt;
struct hdr_ip *ih = HDR_IP( (Packet *)p);

   /* you get here after the timeout in a local repair attempt */
   /*   fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__); */

    rt = agent->rtable.rt_lookup(ih->daddr());
    if (rt && rt->rt_flags != RTF_UP) {
    // route is yet to be repaired
    // I will be conservative and bring down the route
    // and send route errors upstream.
    /* The following assert fails, not sure why */
    /* assert (rt->rt_flags == RTF_IN_REPAIR); */
      // send RERR
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr,"Node %d: Dst - %d, failed local repair\n",index,
    Packet::free((Packet *)p);

We can't see where is the code that "send a RERR to the originating node" when
route repair attempt was unsuccessful.

Can anybody help us to find out what is wrong?


Marcelo Dominguez
Gabriel Barrera

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