Dear Qihe,

Now I've succeeded to install ns-allinone-2.29 in Fedora Core 5! :-)

For a non-Linux expert like me it was not obvious to install the X 
development libraries. Once I did that, your patch worked fine on a 
non-modified ns-allinone-2.29 in Fedora Core 5.

1. install the packages in the X Software Development packages 
(Applications==>Add/Remove Software==>Development==>X Software 
Development - by default 35 of 43 packages were selected and that worked 
2. get a fresh ns-allinone-2.29.2.tar.gz from 
(search for nsnam)
3. > wget
4. > tar -zxvf ns-allinone-2.29.2.tar.gz
5. > patch -p0 < s2292-gcc410.patch
6. > cd ns-allinone-2.29
7. > ./install

If anybody has patches for other ns-2 versions (especially ns-2.26), 
please let me know!

Kind regards

Qihe Wang wrote:

> The patch is supposed to "work on a non-modified ns-allinone-2.29 in
> Fedora Core 5 (with gcc 4.1.0)".
> Can Anyone else confirm it, suppose you have installed X development 
> libraries?
> Regards,
> Qihe
> On Thu, 18 May 2006, Ali Hamidian wrote:
>> Dear Qihe,
>> I did exactly as you describe below when I got the error message. To 
>> be sure, I did it one more time just now with the same result:
>> ...
>> /home/alexh/ns-2/ns-allinone-2.29/tk8.4.11/unix/../generic/tk3d.c:334: 
>> warning: control reaches end of non-void function
>> make: *** [tk3d.o] Error 1
>> tk8.4.11 make failed! Exiting ...
>> For problems with Tcl/Tk see
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ns-allinone-2.29]$
>> So it seems the patch doesn't work on a non-modified ns-allinone-2.29 
>> in Fedora Core 5 (with gcc 4.1.0).
>> Any comments anyone?
>> Kind regards
>> Ali
>> Qihe Wang wrote:
>>> Ali,
>>> The steps to apply the patch:
>>> 1. get a fresh ns-allinone-2.29.2.tar.gz from
>>> 2. wget
>>> 3. tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.29.2.tar.gz
>>> 4. patch -p0 < s2292-gcc410.patch
>>> 5. cd ns-allinone-2.29
>>> 6. ./install
>>> I don't have time to look at your problem.  A common problem I saw 
>>> on the mailing list is that the libraries for X development is not 
>>> installed.
>>> Regards,
>>> Qihe
>>> On Tue, 16 May 2006, Ali Hamidian wrote:
>>>> Dear Qihe,
>>>> I used your patch on an original (not modified) ns-allinone-2.29. 
>>>> Then I ran ./install. The compilation went pretty far (although it 
>>>> couldn't install xgraph and other optional packages) but stopped 
>>>> when it came to building Tk 8.4.11. You can find the error message 
>>>> in the attached file. My goal is to install ns-2 (any version, but 
>>>> especially ns-2.26 and ns-2.29) in Fedora Core 5, which comes with 
>>>> gcc 4.1.0.
>>>> Should I do something before applying your patch to the 
>>>> ns-allinone-2.29 directory (like upgrading Tcl/Tk from version 
>>>> 8.4.11 to version 8.4.13)?
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Ali

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