
I’m implementing using NS-2, my own Manet Unicast Routing Protocol.
I finished the C++ code and remain its insertion in NS-2.  I followed the guide
"Implementing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2 "to know how to make
the parameter setting and the binding with tcl, otcl… etc.
I have problems and I don’t know if you can help me, for example:
In my simulation’s script .tcl, exactly at the nodes options and configuration
Normally the specification of the ad hoc routing protocol to be used is
something like:

In node options:      set val(rp) AODV
In node confiuration: $ns>_ node-config - adhocRouting $$val(rp)>\

If my protocol is called IIVC, is it correct replacing AODV by IIVC, or there
are still more things to add in my simulation script TCL to establish the link
with my routing agent IIVC.

If u have another guide it will be very useful for me.
Thanks u very much.

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