Hi Svilen, thanks for the answer!

I will take a look at the method you said. Regarding your question, yes. I'm
working on a handoff protocol for Bluetooth. An essential point of the
protocol is the constant RSSI measurement between base stations and mobile

I am working with UCBT, which seems that does not implement RSSI measurement
between nodes. Now I am taking a better look at NS and how UCBT is
integrated to it in order to derive some way of making the RSSI

Do you have some experience with modeling of localization experiments?? I
would be great if I could exchange some ideas with someone with some
expertise on this field...



On 10/18/06, Svilen Ivanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I do not know a tcl command about this. But you might want to look at
> WirelessPhy::sendUp, the received power Pr (in watt) is computed there
> regardless of the propagation model in use.
> Do you want to use RSSI for localization experiments in ns-2?
> Greetings,
> Svilen
> Loreno Oliveira wrote:
> >Hi All,
> >
> >does anybody know how do I measure the RSSI between two wireless nodes??
> As
> >far as I have seen in the archive, this question has been posted during
> >years in this list without any reply. I will be extremelly thankful if
> >somebody had some hint about it.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Loreno
> >
> >
> >
> --
> +------------------------------------------+
> | M.Sc. Svilen Ivanov                      |
> | Institute for Distributed Systems (IVS)  |
> | Otto-von-Guericke University - Magdeburg |
> | http://ivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~svilen/  |
> +------------------------------------------+

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