I'm studying about the energy saving strategies in wireless network. There are 
several issue I still confuse about that and hope could get opinion from you. I 
have read the ns-2 manual but it was quite poor documented in energy model 
section, there is only the a simple explanation about the basic strategy. There 
have been a lot of paper written about this issue but the detail implementation 
and analysis is not public or at least I couldn't google it with in first 50 
results. Could please you tell me some paper consider to be "famous" in this 
area? I think this would be easy answer with some one already have studied 
about this issue before.

I'm also curious about the matrix that prove an energy-saving model is more 
efficient than others. The general analysis is not show in detail except some 
meaningless figure (no explain how to get that result). I'm finding some of 
implementation that show how to calculate several metric base on the ns2 new 
trace format for: energy consumed/packet, network partition time, variant in 
node power levels, node cost .. ? Any such resource or experience are 

Thank you.

Ns-2 newbee

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