Hi Shahatha,

As we say in the report we didn't use aodv, so we really appreciate that 
you work on this, it would be good trying to extend the report with your 
own experience on AODV.

We have been doing a quick overlook of the aodv code (which we have not 
personally used that much) and this is what we can tell for the listings of 
chapter 5:

- Listing 5.3 has to be used whenever the AODV needs to send a broadcast 
packet, which happens, as far as we can tell, in the following methods of 
the aodv.cc file: sendRequest, sendError, sendHello and forward; in this 
latter case only when the destination address is broadcast. In all of this, 
you should have the following command:
Scheduler::instance().schedule(target_,pkt,*); --- * means either 0 or JITTER
and you should change it for listing 5.3.

- Listing 5.4 has to be used instead of the unicast transmissions of 
aodv.cc, this time in sendReply and forward methods. In this case, the 
Iface variable has to be the appropriate interface index, which needs to be 
stored within the corresponding route table entry (see section 5.3 of the 

- Listing 5.5 is the one that allows you to get the correct interface. When 
you have to create a route table entry, you need to indicate the 
corresponding index for the output interface, which will be used afterwards 
to send packets (see previous answer). This means that the corresponding 
struct/class for your route table entry needs to be updated, so as to be 
able to keep this index.
Thanks to the changes of the mac-802_11.cc file (listing 4.6), the required 
value is store on the common header of the packet, that's the cmnh variable 
of the listing. Iface will just hold the index that will be used for 
creating/updating the route table entry. After a quick overlook of the 
code, this seems to be needed in two methods: recvRequest and recvReply.


At 10:53 18/01/2007, Shahatha wrote:

>   did any one implement the extension of ns-2 for multi-channel
>   from Ramon Aguero at:
>   http://personales.unican.es/aguerocr>http://personales.unican.es/aguerocr
>"many thanks for Ramon Aguero for his Dokument."
>   i have some problems at Chapter 5, where to add the listing 5.3 Listing 
> 5.5 and Listing 5.6
>   in routingAgent.cc. (AODV.cc)
>   i choice  the AODV ad hoc routing agent to change.
>   i think i can copy the Listing above 1 by 1 to the AODV.cc.!!!!
>   thanks
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