
Regarding the nstk, what I've done is to clone the wish.c file from a very
recent TCL distribution (I guess the one that came with NS2.29 all in one),
and merged it with the NS2 code (tclappinit.cc).

a) Can you run the TKcon console? 

b) find any simple TK command that works in your "wish" version, and try it
in nstk. Does it work?

(I've made nstk in a linux PC, running debian distribution and NS_all_in_one

Other users that have successfully installed "nstk", please comment on this

Pedro Vale Estrela

> -----Original Message-----
> Of Andrés Emilio Arcia Moret
> Sent: quarta-feira, 7 de Fevereiro de 2007 17:22
> To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
> Subject: [ns] MASH Inspector (nstk?) problems
> Hi everyone,
> I just did all the steps nicely explained in the Pedro Estrela's
> homepage to work with the debugger. All installation steps work well
> (show no error messages). However, when testing the MASH Inspector as
> indicated, the MASH window starts "trembling" at the right border and
> couple of seconds later nstk hangs.
> I am using a MacBook Pro/OS X and ns-2.30.
> I guess is the wish version that the nstk takes by default, which is
> not using plain X11 windows. So, I don't know how to generate an
> "nstk" with the X11 wish version. This is, at least, to see if the tk
> version is the one with the problem.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --
> Andrés Arcia

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